Chair Langenberg
Construction Heritage and Preservation
The Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation engages with theoretical and practical challenges of methodical collecting, assessing and preserving of monuments. It is affiliated with the Institute of Construction History and Preservation (IDB) as well as the Institute for Technology in Architecture (ITA)
Knowledge of traditional construction methods, materials, architectural design principles and building processes is essential for a professional and responsible handling of historic buildings. With regard to the future development of the building stock it seems equally important to consider younger and even current processes. New building materials, construction methods and "trends" are increasingly affecting architecture and an accelerated implementation of new ideas and technologies can be recognised in the building sector. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge about the aging and reparability of such new constructions and research on long-term consequences for the building stock seems inadequate.
Research focusses on diverse building stocks, both older and younger (as well as very young), questions of their value as monuments and challenges concerning their conservation. Within this context, the structurally outstanding engineering works in Switzerland as well as the built examples of newly developed construction processes and methods are of special interest.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Langenberg

Full Professor of Construction Heritage and Preservation at ETH Zurich (since August 2020). Previously Professor of Building in Existing Contexts, Historic Preservation and Building Recording at the University of Applied Sciences Munich (2014-2020). From 2006 to 2011, research assistant at the Institute for Technology in Architecture (2012-2014) and at the Institute for Monument Preservation and Building Research (2006-2011) at ETH Zurich. Between 2011 and 2013, various research stays at the Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability. Studied architecture at the TU Dortmund University and at the Instituto Universitaria di Architettura in Venice. Since 2003, various independent activities as an architect in Germany, England and Switzerland, since 2016 in partnership with Botti Zanafredi Architektur (Zurich / Munich / Parma).
Member of SIA (Zurich Section), "International Scientific Committee for Shared Built Heritage" (ICOMOS International), Working Group Theory and Teaching of Monument Preservation, Swiss Heritage Society, DOCOMOMO, ICOMOS Suisse and ICOMOS Germany.
Head of Inst. Preservation and Constr. History
Konstruktionserbe u. Denkmalpflege
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27